About Us

Short Story

About Apted Foundation Uganda

Peopel want to help the Deaf, but with all the corruption in the world, it’s hard to know where to direct contributions toward this cause. APTED ensures that the Deaf are on the path to thriving in the community, Deaf homes and schools. The Organization was founded to handle and resolve problems that most people don’t have the stomach for. The ones that are rearly talked about and perhaps the ones that are rarely solved or are supposedly hard to solve. We go on hunting and looking for them as we believe that’s the only way to make life more sustainable for the Deaf out there.

Let’s brain storm for a second, what is deafness and who are the Deaf? Deafness is the complete loss of hearing. And the Deaf are people who have have little or no functional hearing. Ever encountered any? I guess yes. You must have seen a few people communicating through signs. Nexttime you see anyone stretching their hands and saying nothing, don’t freak out. It’s most likely that they are trying to communicate to you. 

The Deaf are part of us with about 2 to 3 out of every 1,000 children are born deaf with a detectable level of hearing loss in one or both ears. More than 90 percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents and according to World Health Organization, over 5% of the world’s population suffers from disabling hearing loss. 5% seems like a small number until you find out that its over 360,000,000 people across the globe. Yes 360 million people, with six zeros. So for a minute let’s wonder, how would you survive without being able to talk? How on earth would you carry on life without the ability to share your ideas, opinions and defferences? It’s absurd that this is the truth and reality of many people out there. These people just like you and I, get sick, pregnant, oppressed and they actually commit crimes too. 

In 2016, APTED Foundation Uganda was founded by Mr.Batambula Dan, with an aim to assist the Deaf and promote co-existance between the Deaf and the hearing.  To promote Deaf Awareness, Deaf Social development, Deaf Evangelism, Deaf education support and Basic Sign Language Training among the many obligations and aims of the Organization.


Why The Deaf?

Why the Deaf? Did you ask? Well, it’s simple. Sign Language is fun and it’s the way we can effectively communicate with the Deaf by waving our hands. Guess what? That can’t be further from the truth. The Deaf have numerous grievances ranging from sexual assault, unjust arrest due to the inability to verbally defend themselves and many more as we are to see below. 

- 01
Economic Challenges

With an unemployment rate of upwards of 3.4%, many Deaf adults are unemployed and due to this, those in the Deaf community find it awfully hard to sustain their lives and the lives of their families. With no employment, it’s certain that they can’t afford the necessities of life.

- 02
Social Isolation

Hearing loss is the single biggest contributor to social isolation. Often, as hearing becomes challenging, people avoid social, business or transactional situations where interaction is key — and instead choose to withdraw and isolate themselves.

- 03
Sign Language Misunderstandings

Sign Language Misunderstandings can create numerous problems that may lead to frustration and gaps in communication. Sign language is known by few people and due to this, the Deaf struggle to communicate effectively with people in society. 

- 04
Lack of Adequate Health Assistance

Due to the communication gap between the Deaf and the hearing, the Deaf face challenges as they fail to communicate to medical personnels concerning their health problems. Medical Workers too face the same challenge as they can not figure out what troubles their Deaf Patients.

- 05
Depression and Anxiety

Deaf adults have higher reported rate of diagnosis of depression or anxiety disorder at an earlier onset compared to the general population. Communication access with healthcare providers is essential for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and follow up care, which they often lack.

- 06
Lack of Education Resources and Great Knowledge gaps

The findings reveal that significant barriers for hearing impaired students exist and they included lecturing as a mode of instruction used by lecturers and the framing of examination questions; level of education of the sign language interpreter, knowledge of content taught and a good grasp of signs by the interpreter.

- 07
Sexual Assault

Sexual violence happens in every community and affects people of all genders and ages. Sexual violence is any type of unwanted sexual contact against a person’s will or consent. The Deaf are vulnerable in this context and they face sexual attacks, with no way of asking for help or resisting the attacks. 

- 08
Unjust Arrest

More often than not, the Deaf are falsely arrested, not because they have committed crimes but because they fail to defend themselves in times of arrest. There are so many scenarios of Deaf arrests where police officers assume that the victim is rebellious or guilty and wants not to talk, or the victim fails to defend himself hence they get arrested over their inability to talk. 

Meet Our

Proffessional Team

” Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. “

Batambula Dan

Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. “

Mary Ahairwe

” Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo. “

Kajumba Hellen

” Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo. “

Nkoyooyo raymond tamale
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